De georganiseerde roeitocht gaat in 2016 van 11-14 augustus over de rivier de Zêzere, volledige programma en inschrijving in februari 2016 bekend.
Roeitocht Douro rivier naar Porto-31 juli 2015
Next year we will have another Douro Rowing Tour, organized by José Cancella and the rowing club Ginásio Club Figueirense. This time we will have the support of our Portuguese Rowing Federation!Here is the link to the website where you will find the program and the entry forms. If you would like to join, follow the instructions and send the forms to José Cancella.Please note that all entry forms will have to be confirmed by José Cancella for the final admission. Douro tocht Fisa World Tour
Ria Aveiro tocht 13-16 augustus
Drie dagen roeien vanuit vaste standplaats in Aveiro door het estuarium van de rivier Aveiro.